Hormone replacement therapy Columbia, MO

Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has become an increasingly popular treatment option for both women and men looking to restore hormone balance and offset the effects of aging. As we get older, our hormone levels naturally decline, leading to symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. HRT can help counteract many of these symptoms by replacing the hormones your body is no longer producing at adequate levels.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic in Columbia, we offer customized HRT plans to help you look and feel your best. Our experienced medical staff will test your hormone levels and determine the right combination and dosage of bioidentical hormones to suit your individual needs. We provide hormone replacement for women and men, using cutting edge therapies like pellet implants to achieve optimal hormonal balance.

Keep reading to learn all about the benefits of HRT and why Hormone Harmony Clinic is the premier provider of hormone replacement therapy in Columbia.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as hormone therapy (HT) or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), is the administration of hormones to supplement low levels in the body. It is prescribed to counteract the effects of aging and hormonal decline later in life.

The most common types of HRT are:

HRT can take many forms, including pills, skin patches, gels, injections, implants, and topical creams/solutions. At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we often recommend pellet implants as the most effective method to deliver consistent, low dose hormones over time.

The goal of hormone replacement is to get your hormone levels back within the normal healthy range, leading to an improved quality of life and the prevention of future health complications.

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Take control of your hormonal health today!

Benefits of HRT for Women

For women, the most common reason to pursue HRT is to treat menopausal symptoms during perimenopause and beyond. As estrogen levels decline in the years leading up to menopause, many women experience hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irritability, difficulty sleeping, low libido, weight gain, and mood changes.

Estrogen replacement therapy can provide immense relief from these symptoms, allowing women to feel like themselves again. With a proper estrogen balance, many women report improved energy, better sleep, enhanced skin texture, and a return to normal menstrual cycles.

Some key benefits of women's hormone replacement therapy include:

With customized treatment plans, our providers ensure women receive the right form and dosage of estrogen to obtain all of these advantages safely and effectively.

Benefits of HRT for Men

Hormone replacement therapy offers a multitude of benefits for men as well. The most common reason men seek HRT is declining testosterone levels, known as “low T”. This gradual drop in testosterone causes symptoms like low energy, reduced muscle mass, increased body fat, lower mental focus, irritability, depression, low libido, erectile dysfunction, and decreased bone density.

Testosterone replacement therapy can safely counteract many of these effects by restoring testosterone to healthy levels. Benefits include:

With an individualized regimen, men can safely restore testosterone to optimal levels and feel energized, mentally sharp, and revitalized in their masculinity.

Interesting fact

Hormone replacement therapy was originally developed in the 1930s as a treatment to relieve menopausal symptoms in women. However, it was later discovered that the hormones used also had unexpected benefits for bone and heart health, reducing risks of osteoporosis and heart disease in postmenopausal women.

Hormone Harmony Clinic HRT Options

At Hormone Harmony Clinic in Columbia, we offer all the latest and most effective forms of hormone replacement therapy to suit your specific needs and preferences:

Pellet Implants

Pellet implants are our most popular HRT option for both women and men. These small pellets containing concentrated bioidentical hormones are placed under the skin during an in-office procedure. The pellets dissolve slowly to provide steady hormone levels for 3-5 months. This avoids the inconvenience of daily pills or frequent patches. Pellet implantation requires only two brief in-office visits per year for remarkably consistent results. We find pellets are convenient, highly effective, and the closest thing to your body’s natural hormonal balance.

Oral Capsules

If you prefer a daily pill, we offer high quality bioidentical capsules containing estrogen, testosterone, or thyroid hormone in precise doses. This form of HRT allows for easy dose adjustments as needed. However, oral delivery means passing through the liver so pills are less ideal for those with liver conditions. Our pharmacist will compound capsules with quality ingredients to meet your doctor’s prescribed dosage and delivery preferences.

Creams and Gels

Some patients do best with topical hormone creams, gels or lotions applied to the skin daily. This minimizes hormone fluctuations compared to pills. We offer prescription bioidentical creams tailored to your needs. Be aware creams and gels carry a slight risk of transference to partners or children with direct skin contact. Topicals must be carefully dosed to ensure proper absorption.


Testosterone injections are another option for rapid increase in hormone levels. However, injections cause spikes and crashes in testosterone, requiring weekly or bi-weekly boosters. At Hormone Harmony Clinic we generally prefer pellets for more stable long-term testosterone delivery. However injections can be a suitable short-term solution based on your needs.

With all of these HRT options, our team will weigh the pros and cons and work with you to determine which therapy is right for your body and lifestyle. We put quality, effectiveness and safety first in all of our hormone replacement treatments.

Take control of your hormone health.

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalance

The first step in pursuing hormone therapy is diagnosing any deficiency through comprehensive lab testing. At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we go beyond a simple total testosterone or estrogen level check. Thorough testing allows us to evaluate your pituitary and sex hormone production, thyroid health, adrenal function, nutrients, and more. From these results, our physicians can identify specific hormonal imbalances and craft solutions to restore optimal balance for your unique biology.

Some key lab tests we recommend:

Diagnostic testing provides the data we need to tailor hormone therapy to your body’s specific deficiencies and imbalances. Contact us to schedule a comprehensive evaluation.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Physicians

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, your treatment begins with an in-depth consultation with one of our board certified medical providers who specialize in hormone replacement therapy:

Dr. Patricia Simmons, MD

With over 15 years experience practicing regenerative and anti-aging medicine, Dr. Simmons takes a functional medicine approach to HRT and health. She works diligently with each patient to uncover the root causes of hormonal decline and optimize every aspect of their care plan for peak vitality.

Dr. Simmons is a national speaker and lecturer on topics like bioidentical hormone therapy, thyroid disorders and treatments for metabolic syndrome. She stays current on all the latest advancements in the field so her patients benefit from proven, state-of-the-art therapies.

Dr. Mark Brown, MD

Dr. Brown is a Columbia native who returned home to serve his community after medical school. He has an Ivy League education and over a decade of experience providing personalized care in general practice.

Five years ago, Dr. Brown shifted his focus to anti-aging and regenerative medicine when he recognized how profoundly hormone replacement could change patients’ lives. He is especially passionate about helping men regain their vitality through testosterone optimization. His down-to-earth approach puts patients at ease while providing access to the most sophisticated HRT protocols.

Dr. Amanda Abrams, MD

Dr. Abrams employs an integrative methodology, combining the latest conventional treatments with natural bioidentical options to give patients flexibility in their care. Her background includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and functional nutrition that she integrates with hormone replacement therapies to maximize results.

Dr. Abrams works as a true partner with her patients, taking all the time needed to understand their symptoms and concerns. She excels at finding the hormonal balancing strategies that fit best with each individual’s health goals and lifestyle for optimal improvement.

With these expert physicians leading your treatment plan, you can feel confident you’re receiving the most effective therapies administered with compassionate care.

Lifestyle and Nutrition Support

Hormone optimization works best when combined with optimal nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management. That’s why Hormone Harmony Clinic offers patients full support for all aspects of healthy living.

Our onsite nutritionist provides personalized meal plans and supplements to nourish your body and promote hormonal balance. We partner with local gyms, yoga studios and wellness centers to support restorative movement. And our mental health counselor helps patients implement stress relief and self-care strategies that complement your HRT regimen.

We also offer regular educational workshops on topics like:

Our physicians and staff will work closely with you to ensure your treatment plan enables you to feel your best physically and emotionally. We consider diet, exercise, sleep and mental health just as crucial as the proper hormone medication regimen.

Hormone Harmony Clinic in Columbia, South Carolina

Conveniently located in Columbia, SC, Hormone Harmony Clinic provides cutting edge hormone replacement therapies to men and women throughout the Southeastern United States. Columbia’s warm climate, southern hospitality and robust health care community make it an ideal setting to restore your hormonal health.

Access to the area’s top medical resources allows us to offer patients high quality care with a personalized approach. We conduct our comprehensive lab testing onsite so you have immediate access to the diagnostics needed to develop your tailored treatment plan without delay.

Columbia provides the perfect backdrop to complement your HRT journey. Enjoy scenic walks along the Vista’s river walkway or escape to the woods and waterfalls of Saluda Shoals Park between appointments. The city’s array of parks, shops, museums and restaurants means there are plenty of ways to reduce stress and have fun as you focus on improving your vitality.

Let the caring professionals at Hormone Harmony Clinic work with you to overcome hormonal imbalance and achieve your best health. We provide individualized hormone replacement therapy plans tailored just for you!

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